Friday 31 July 2015

2015-06-11: Field Trip

All good classes have a field trip for the kiddies at the end of the class. We decided to do the same. Cynics may say that this was because the dirty filthy ninja children managed to infect Ewa as well but we prefer to look on the bright side.
All I saw was that you shouldn't have dinner without a glass of wine.
In Australia when you get bitten by something they recommend you take the something to the hospital so the doctor knows exactly what he is dealing with. Or the exact opposite - I can't remember - maybe they say not to because it will bite you some more times while you try to catch it.
Either way the stinky little ninja children are difficult to catch as samples so we didn't take them.
Easily pleased
Our Japanese teacher managed to explain to the doctors what Ewa has and he gave her a bunch of drugs. Hopefully these will not be an issue at customs as we have no real idea what they are and the notes are in Japanese which I am guessing the average US customs person is not going to read so well.
I assume it has words of congratulations at the bottom. Along the lines of My Lord you are doing well, keep it up champ plus the nurse thinks you're cute.
As I am almost better I didn't bother talking to the doctor and instead wandered around playing with the toys they had. One was a blood pressure machine. Before getting my CPAP machine my blood pressure was about 160/90. I have now been using the CPAP machine for about 6 months and it is down to 140/80. 70 bpm seems pretty good too, before the CPAP machine my heart rate asleep was about 100. Now I play with toys at a nice low rate. So I think I am winning at playing Doctors and Nurses.
Astroboy recommends nice food. I will follow his advice.
For my current blood pressure The Mayo clinic recommends that I maintain or adopt a healthy lifestyle although they recommend that for all blood pressure levels so I am not sure how good their advice is.

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