Wednesday 29 July 2015

2015-05-06: Preparatory Planning

We are going to the States soon. Learning how Americans do things is a good idea.

We could watch modern american cinema to derive the whimsical, insightful and meaningful commentary of american culture that I am sure is being produced. The only nearby cinema we know of does Japanese art films though.
It could be a gun club but I doubt it.
So we went to a US themed bar loved by American expats. There was a choice of one named coyly for sexual activities or one named for binge drinking. We all have partners so went for the binge drinking option.

Food & Beverage Review: Shooters

A lot of the reviews I read online written by americans give negative reviews based on service (for all countries including america). They really seem to take it seriously as part of the customer experience.
Shooters does not take service seriously.
Quite a few nationalities but mostly Americans
We are now accustomed to vaguely shouting "# beers please" as we walk in to a place and having them pretty much at the table when you sit down, even in our shitty Japanese this invariably works.
Shooters I had to actively hunt, gather and forage for drinks.
Has a dartboard as well, it was a real one and so commandeered by a couple of English guys obviously sick of electronic darts.
Granted the place is pretty big by Japanese standards and the staff are largely westerners so holding them to Japanese standards might not be fair.
Food was okay and large.
In Japan tipping is actively discouraged so maybe the staff are pissed off at their wages not being inflated by tipping. I guess this could explain it.

Rating 4/10 (plus no one tried to pick me or Conrad up and I was assured it was famous as a place for locals with a penchant for tubby white boys to practice their seduction skills - maybe we should have gone to the bar named for sex acts)

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