Thursday 30 July 2015

2015-06-07: Realisation

Last night made us face up to the fact we are off soon. Japan has grown on us a lot. We will be sad to leave.
And I have finally learned how to use the bike racks now...
This morning there was a protest in the streets. Protests happen a lot here. In Sydney there was maybe one or two a year which made the news. Here we don't watch the news so we can't really compare directly but if I wander past a protest of some form or another every week or two then it stands to reason there are a few more than Sydney has.
Although it must be admitted in Sydney I rarely left the house so maybe this is a bad comparison as well.

Cultural Observations: Protests

Japanese protests come in various shapes and sizes.
There is the lunatic that drives along blaring a message in English once a week. His message is hard to follow but incorporates every internet conspiracy theory you can name with a hint of local flavour. I think the illuminati were responsible for the nuking of Japan according to him. Not 100% sure as that message had global warming linked to fukushima with the random juxtapositions that make me forgive his early morning speaker blaring sojourn.
I think this one involved mothers. Mothers that are upset about something.
Then there are the right wing crazies. They don't bother me much either as their weekend morning drive throughs tend to a bit of orchestral music. Not sure what the music is, I assume Now That We've Found Love (With The True Japanese Spirit) What Are We Going To Do With It but it is nice enough weekend wakeup music.
I remember reading an article about Japanese skinheads organising a march. They got the paperwork files and everything but no one turned up.
I find the idea of paperwork for your march when you are dedicated to the violent overthrow of society delightful

Rating: 9/10 (If I understood the language I might downgrade them)

I have started building an internal stock of Tebasaki against a 3 month drought. I will miss this more than the protests.

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