Thursday 30 July 2015

2015-06-08: Ninjas! Little Ones!

There must have been children near me recently as I have caught a bit of a cold. This only happens near children, but I didn't see any. Ninjas are by definition hard to see.
Therefore tiny ninja children have been sneezing on things and touching things with their disease ridden hands. Stupid ninja children.
Thailand has no history of ninjas as far as I am aware. I will seek sterile surroundings in their sanctuary.
It's a bugger to find, had to circle the block therefore the ninjas will find it hard as well
I have a theory!
There are some people that are called super tasters. Apparently they taste some things more than normal people. I assume it is genetic because lots of stuff is (and it supports my theory which is the most important thing about facts). I assume if super tasters taste things more strongly then they notice differences better than me (I assume I am at the other end of the scale due to lifestyle choices, general awareness and so on but mostly genetics).
Thai Beef Salad, Flavour Explosion! Ninjas hate explosions
I suspect that the locals have a higher concentration of super tasters and that might explain why the range of flavours here tends towards small differences; tuna nigiri is often served with three different cuts; lean, mildly fatty and super fatty.
Green Curry,Olfactory camouflage!
Unless I am paying attention they are all just tuna. When I do pay attention I can choose my favourite one quite reliably but it would be a stretch to say I have a huge preference. I assume a super taster would notice the differences more markedly.
Crying Tiger, Tigers are a distracting threat!
I like this theory as it means that my preferences for extreme flavours (super smokey scotch I love whereas mainland stuff mostly tastes all about the same unless I think about it) is a genetic thing. It is not that I am just an uncultured clod.
I can tell the difference between Thai rice and Japanese

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