Tuesday 21 July 2015

2015-06-02: Training Strategies

I hate people that read Sun Tsu / Musashi for business purposes.
Actually that's not true.
More backyard training. We get to do this while waiting for Dance Partners to arrive.
I hate people that
  1. Read Sun Tsu / Musashi 
  2. Think they can apply it to business 
  3. Then also need to tell me about it.
And it is the 3 that annoys me. The 2 I think is hilarious, I want to be in a meeting where they rock out a mobile flanking attack with a retreating armoured front line and the rivers flow with so much blood that some old roman dude will write a poem about it.
Probably Sun Tsu and Musashi should have mentioned how important taking every opportunity to train is. Would have sold less books though I guess. People hate training.

I guess it is a good thing that instead of attending those meetings and possibly being inspired to Unleash Hell On Someone's Command (or just a whim - I do share two citizenships with Russell Crowe so it would be a cultural whim) I spend my time wearing helmets which prevent me hearing about how The Five Rings totally knocked that client off their feet! and mostly with people that have interesting observations on exactly what those books were about but very definite ideas about what being Knocked Off Their Feet means.

Blowtorched microwave pizza. Obviously I am going to eat it but part of that decision is the novelty of the idea.
Plus I get to learn new words. New words make me a cultured inebriate. Still an inebriate but one of those cool ones that shows up in movies with wisdom and such.

Linguistic Skills: Nomi Hou Dai

We already covered omakase at some point I think. Yep, here. Omakase is the equivalent of Chefs Choice. Nomi Hou Dai is the Yin to the Yang of that idea. It is all you can drink. It usually comes with a time limit.
Chopsticks and Salad. I think I have mentioned before that you all should do this. If I didn't, you should. Kicks the crap out of a knife and fork. Think of it as a tactical choice to choose your target and destroy it accurately rather than carpet bombing the plate haphazardly if that makes you feel better.
I have made the mistake of asking for it at places that have already seen me come in after training and the owner has decided that it would not be in his interests to let this particular person be involved in such an endeavour. 
Admittedly this looked better in their picture. Still pretty great though. Bacon, radish and tomato. Sort of like what caprese salad would be like if you got hit in the head a lot.
I am pretty sure the Art Of War specifically says not to let your opponent know your strengths and weaknesses so this is my fault.
We grabbed a quick and easy set menu from the place next door tonight and were told it came with Nomi Hou Dai. Fortunately for them I had already had my initial burst of rehydration when we got there.
Half gratin / half risotto. Keeps everyone guessing. Musashi said this was important. The guessing bit. Although he probably would have liked this too. I wonder if he ever wrote a cookbook. I wonder if a good cookbook can be repurposed for business meetings?

Rating: 8/10 (Maybe I should burst in, announce Nomi Hou Dai and then commence. I think that would meet Sun Tsu's advice regarding full frontal attacks)

I did finish it, I am not proud.

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