Friday, 7 August 2015

2015-06-17: Confusion Rains Down

I had hopes of today being a fairly casual, lazy day. The others were discussing a plan to go to a bar by the airport and then direct to the flight from there. This didn't seem truly lazy to me as it would mean we would have to organise a hotel to overnight at.
I told the truth but still expect some interesting times at check-in
No one else understood my lukewarm reception of the idea; normally going to a bar is the idea I support the most.
When they figured out they I didn't realise the flight was today it all made more sense.
I practised saying things like Huntington Beach Represent!! until James pointed out using so many syllables meant I sounded like an intellectual. Then I started saying HB Represent!!. James is not sure I have it correct yet.

Cultural Observations: Burritos (or tacos or whatever they are called)

In Nagoya I often drop by Jerry's Taco, I like burritos when we are feeling lazy. Today we are lazy so we went to Chipotle. I ordered 3 so I could try 3 basic variations. I usually order 3 at Jerry's as well.
That truck would fit 3 burritos in the back. Just.
Chipotle has an interesting back story. They had McDonalds buy in a few years back and then McDonalds sold out. The time with McDonalds apparently taught the Chipotle guys about franchising and logistics and so on which has lead to them being one of the fast food industry success stories of recent times. Ewa claims that McDonalds always leaves her hungry an hour later. Chipotle did not learn that technique from McDonalds.
Pint of beer for scale
Apparently very few people order 3 burritos for themselves from Chipotle. I assume this is because most Americans are not strong enough to carry 3 of these behemoths. I think James tried to warn me of my folly but I am not speaking or thinking very good at the moment.

Rating: 5/10 (A single burrito would have gotten a 7)

A Pub on the Pier? Seems worth walking out for.
We strolled Huntington Beach in an attempt to aid digestion.
Apparently Huntington Beach has a lot of Mixed Martial Arts training places. Ewa and I have a vague idea of one day trying to learn Couples Self Defense. We figure tactics and techniques for two people should be pretty effective should anything ever go wrong on our travels.
Ewa found potatoes. She had almost forgotten about potatoes. The rediscovery was exciting.
I boosted my protein and fat levels, gotta fight soon.
I am not sure if anyone actually teaches this style but figure MMA guys are probably more flexible in their approach to fighting than most martial arts. We don't have time check this out right now but will be back here in a couple of weeks for Al to fly back to Sydney and might check it out at that point.

Sign Review: LAX Departure area

When a sign says No alcohol beyond this point there is an implication that Alcohol is okay before that point. This in turn implies that Alcohol is available to purchase somewhere round here.
Least. Favourite. Sign. Ever.
I might not be firing on all cylinders at the moment but I went through that chain of logic a few times. I even verified with Al and Ewa that I wasn't missing a key step.
If there is no way to obtain alcohol then the sign is pointless and redundant and serves only to create confusion and sadness.

Rating: 1/10 (and the 1 is only because it used up some waiting time)

Canada here we come. We will try to achieve a state of sanity prior to arrival.

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