And just like that I am now a member of the International Naginata Police.
One of the Froggies got upset we didn't get a badge so he made one. |
During the seminar for learning to be a judge we were split up into groups. I was the only Australian in the Shimpan (judge) seminar and so got thrown in the group with a whole bunch of Froggies.
Mostly you just memorise this and hold the flags right. |
I am not sure if this is because Australians are famous for being multicultural and accepting or if it is because the French are famous for loving a drink and so are we.
Dutch people can be just as silly as Germans |
Either way it worked out and I got to practice my French swear words. Plus I practised my favourite French mannerism. Pout your lips, blow out with a
pohh sound and raise your hands and shoulders dismissively.
Still don't really know what it means that well but it seems so half arsed I love it.
Froggies like beer |
The judging seminar is longer than the normal people seminar, we did 10 hrs a day. This meant on the last day our grading finished a few hours before the normal people were finished. As is traditional the Froggies and I ran to the bar as quickly as we could.
Belgians bells like beer |
As I had practised my french swear words and mannerisms with the
la Belges belles we let them come along too (I am pretty sure they know I am not French).
And Australians like beer. Not sure if this is a thread common to the countries or just the people I choose to hang out with. |
With the seminar and the Worlds out of the way we are kind of free to eat, drink and be merry. Not that we ever stop doing so, just we won't get in trouble for it anymore.
I figure we ought to spread this happiness around the North American continent.
Go to Calgary, spread jovial lifestyle.
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