Thursday, 27 August 2015

2015-07-16: Carb Loading

I have to admit that iHop appeals to me in a weird way.
Sounds like a boxer that can't skip that well but tries anyway, and plus he is cool and down with the kids, that's why the I is lower case.
So pretty much me.
I rarely train in groups but this is quiet even for me
International House Of Pancakes doesn't appeal to me so much as a phrase. I am okay with the International bit but Houses and Pancakes sound so Old Economy.
If you get into a fight with Ewa you may get into a pickle. So that makes sense.
Houses always go up in value (something Australia largely still believes) and Truck Drivers will always have a job (and therefore, in my mind, eat pancakes) both seem exceedingly unlikely truisms for the future we are wending our way towards.
Maybe iHop can start making the robot pancake.
Chicken fried steak, hash browns, pancakes and gravy is my way of letting The Man know I don't subscribe to his idea of time zones and what should be done in oyur local one.
I doubt I would like that pancake. I will not be buying shares in iHop.
In the future of No work for No one I suspect martial arts will become more popular. If I can find a company that sells beer and has a dojo I will buy shares.
It's like a little line of guns of syrups. The blueberry one was surprisingly tolerable.
Although I do have a small amount of experience in drinking beer, will be trying to pass a martial arts grading which arguably makes me sensei and am fully cognisant that currently my particular skills at producing work are about 50% reproducible by robot.
Future Shareholders
The other 50% is sarcasm and cynicism and if all the programmers are replaced by robots I don't know how useful those skills would be.
So perhaps I should start a new business; The Shaolin Temple 2.0
It's a working title. I won't be hiring marketing people to come up with a better name. I might hire a marketing robot. Especially if it can make pancakes.
This expression means "I do doubt your sanity at times"

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