Sunday, 23 August 2015

2015-07-08: There is a God

Seems optimistic
For some weird reason I don't get hangovers. I occasionally feel a wee bit less energetic than usual but for the most part I feel no different after a night of drinking to any other morning.
Graffiti Alley, Avenue des Pins, Montreal (mapref)
I used to have a theory that it was because I feel like crap every morning. A hangover is so minimal in comparison I don't notice it. It was the same time that I believed that pain never went away, you just kind of get used to it and that is why as you get older you get better pain tolerance. Any new pain has to make itself heard over the existing cacophony.
Neither theory really holds water.
The Robot Loves You Anyway
I believe now the root cause of me not getting hangovers could be just that there is a god. This god has a funny sense of humour. He is the god that ensures someone else seems to be luckier than you are, everything works for them despite the lack of effort they put in and so on. The internet leads me to believe there are lots of people that feel this way about life.
I think I dreamt this animal once.
I never really used to believe any of the internet people when I read their complaints. I always assumed they were not fully cognisant of the true story of the other person. Like those people that find facebook depressing because other people seem to be having better lives.
(actually New York but it meets todays theme)
It seemed obvious to me that few people are going to post the boring bits of their lives (and those that do quickly get moved to the ignore list) so the combined feed of 20 or 30 people doing interesting things would seem more interesting than your own one life's worth of interesting things.
There are plenty of reasons to be depressed by facebook but this is not one of them in my opinion.
If Keith Haring liked cats
Then I realised I was being self centred. Just because that is how life works for me doesn't mean it works that way for everyone else. Maybe the internet person is correct to feel this way.
In my mind the graffiti is a kanji saying "This is not graffiti"
That means logically there must be the person that truly is luckier than the complaining person. Someone must be that person.
They look happy together
That person s probably completely unaware of their status. This god has decided to use me as his vessel for annoying all those around me. It's a burden I suppose, but it is one I cheerfully shoulder.
I think it is following me, that's not love, it is stalking!
The influence of the gods meddling only slightly impacts my immediate circle, they don't get the full benefit. When I cheerfully took Ewa her morning coffee it was announced that we would not be doing anything today.
Has many meanings and levels.
and, yes, getting out of pajamas counts as doing something.

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