Sunday, 23 August 2015

2015-07-10: Achievements require Practice

There are two Kendo clubs in Calgary. We have contacted both to advise (warn?) them of our presence. One club is interested in the array of sticks we carry and has allowed us to train with them.
Simon is a little taller than this but you can adjust later.
We are getting relatively good at demonstrating Naginata and Jukendo to people that have never seen it before. I worry that we might be getting too good and all we are doing is creating more people to join the line of "We get to poke Simon with a stick, that'd be fun"
His Kidneys and Liver are weak spots.
Miki's children joined us for training to have a bit of a look at an art that is part of their heritage. I suspect they enjoyed beating us at Lacrosse more than Naginata.
As is often the case the people that want to fight with us were lovely people. As is also the case they catered to our foibles and knew of a good place to go get chicken wings and beer after training.
And his ankles are soft.

Activity Review: Things I have learned from Martial Arts

1. Counting to 8 in Japanese, I get a bit stuck on 9 and 10 but 1-8 I am skilled at.
2. Lining Up. I can line up in various parts of a line all with great success.
3. Tying Bows. I can tie them two ways, vertical bow and horizontal. Normally we want horizontal, Usually I do vertical but I can get it right if I think long enough.
4. Finding Bars. Just ask the locals
Anticipation makes people Jump For Joy.

Rating: 10/10 (Whenever things go wrong it is usually my fault)

Isshu Jiai, fighting where each person has different weapons, is great fun. I can usually learn from it as well which is good. I should learn more things to become a better person. Plus more powerful.
Sweaty, beaten but Unbowed.
Knowledge is power. Soon I shall rule the world from behind the curtains. I think I better learn about curtains. Maybe some nice red ones with gold strings. I think the Navy Blue curtains with Gold strings are pretty but maybe would indicate I am French. I can't even speak French. Plus ruling the world needs an army and the French one hasn't been that effective in a while I don't think.
Re-Hydration is important

Tourist Checklist: Slutty Cowgirls

Technically hits all the requirements but it felt like a bit of a partial sighting. First one though, I can improve.
Definite sighting
Unequivocal sighting.

Rating: 3/5 (The group makes up for the partial sighting)

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