PJ's for Breakfast Beer are only illegal in Germany and only then for Weissewurst |
Whenever we travel we do a clean up before leaving. On the surface this looks like we are tidy respectable people. It is actually so we can find any booze we forgot and have some breakfast beers.
Her name is pronounced just as it is spelled. |
Also I was prevailed upon by Piszczałka (the stupid cat) to do a final "door opening ceremony" This involves me checking for predators and then her pretending she was hanging back because I was in her way. Stupid cat. I think this means she wins the battle of wills. Ahhh well next time she will have aged 7 years to my one and we can try again. Or is that dogs?
The cat also has small extremities suited for the cold here. Or maybe she is just trying to look cute whilst attempting to infect me with toxoplasmosis so I go crazy and give in to her every whim. I will never give in to her every whim, and when I do I will write nasty things about her on the internet. Because She Can't Read! |
While Ewa and her friends were catching up I wandered the suburb looking at things with my eyes.
I looked at this, it looked at me. Not sure who was more confused. Probably the Motorbike DJ. |
Warsaw. In general it is not as pretty as Białystok. Much more grey and less coordinated colouring of buildings.
The bus is yellow but it moves away! Then? just grey. |
This was a pretty awesome exception to the rule |
I did find a bar next to a horsie hospital. For once this was not because I wanted a drink, it was because I was cold and saw smoke. The drink was, of course, welcome.
If you can't bring simon to the fire we better take the fire to... no that is stupid, sell beer, he'll come |
On leaving the warm bar I, of course, found what is probably the prettiest street in Warsaw.
Pretty is in the eye of the beholder and I do love to watch hard core athletes destroy themselves and their bikes riding along paths like this. |
Fortunately I was not one of the poor souls trying to ride this street, I am certain they were either tourists that had never ridden bikes on cobbles before or just plain brain damaged.
It even had an attempt at Białystok style colouration for the houses |
If I knew how to yell "ride the gutter you retarded dumbarse" in Polish I probably wouldn't have as it was great fun watching them.
Translation Humour: *karnia
Lots of Polish places specialise in things and throw karnia (place of, house of, where they do something concept) at the end of the word. The most dissappointing and inexplicable of these is Piekarnia.
This is the menu of a Naleśnikarnia (Pancake House). They have specialised so far their menu has Naleśniki for Men and Naleśniki for Women. Both entries have a ham pancake. The ingredients look the same, the price is the same. this kind of specialisation is beyond my ability to distinguish. I am now worried I regularly eat Lady Pancakes and people are laughing at me. |
A house specialising in Pies I would like to go to. However knowing that Pies is Polish for dog I would never go to one of these.
Then I would find out it is a bakery.
Rating 2/10 (it is not a bakery if it doesn't do pies)
I finally saw a fucking stork and I was so excited I started taking pictures from so far away I couldn't tell it was plastic. This pic was about the point I gave and wondered if sneaking out and torching the place to the ground tonight would be considered legitimate. I figure the people of Warsaw are a little touchy about foreigners coming and razing things to the ground so I decided not to. |
Sign review: No Beeping Your Horn?
Or it says "No 4 Minute trumpet solos". Take that Gillespie! |
Rating 8/10 (I want to learn the trombone and will come back and mess with their heads)
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