Monday, 9 March 2015

2015-03-08: A Riot of Colour

Proving my Perception in Polish!

Ewa's Dad was talking to his friend this morning and suddenly jumped up to look at the calendar and was asking him something. I said that Yes indeed, today is Ladies Day. (an accurate translation of what I said might be "Lady. Today. Yes." - I am so macho in Polish)

"Dziś jest naj duży dzień dla kwiatów?" - Today is the biggest day for flowers? I am not sure the naj duży bit is correct but it got the message across. Krzyś (Ewa's younger brother) doesn't speak fluent English but understands a lot, when we talk it is normally in our respective languages with lots of looking at the other person to see if understanding is reached.

His reply? "Tak"
He is pretty damn macho as well.

Still no Storks, Shame.
We were having this conversation as today is the last horsie day in Mińce; He drives Iza (his daughter / the niece) and I out which means language skills are all close to my level. Mostly we entertain ourselves without the crutch of language. 
I will learn "Cowboy Cool" style at a later date. For now "Doofus in a hat" will do
Last time the niece spent the whole time reclining my chair with her foot from the back seat. Fun Times! She almost asphyxiated from laughing.
This time we stopped to get Flowers for Lady Day supplies.

Activity Review: Ladies Day (March 8th)

Ladies day was started by the commies (in the US) and in the mid 60's became a public holiday in the Soviet Union. It is no longer a public holiday, something probably lamented.
Leaving my bag in frame was a nice touch I thought. It's all about contrasts of colour and function versus form. A subtle commentary on consumerism as evinced through the purchase of flowers that are dying. Not photographic proof that I am pretty half arsed at all.
All Ladies get flowers. Even teeny tiny Ladies. Iza got to show off her counting skills tallying up the Ladies we needed to get flowers for. She kept forgetting one or two but oddly never herself.
Using fingers to count is hard with handfuls of flowers
All Ladies that received flowers were happy. I think it is meant to be a single bloom, certainly that is what everyone seemed to be giving and receiving. Wikipedia makes much mention of carnations. Wikipedia is a lying whore.
"a celebration for women's economic, political, and social achievements" according to wikipedia. Not "oh pretty! flowers!" at all
Most of the flowers at the flower shop seemed to be in the 10zł range so I am guessing the flower sellers are happy as well.

Rating 9/10 (Men get kisses which seems a good return on work invested)

Polish housing is largely medium density and an awful lot of the structures are reasonably similar.
Colour coordinated with the sky. Must require fast repainting on rainy days.
Comes from building to suit the climate and the command economy under the commies I guess. Poles try to make it more visually appealing through the use of a lot of colours. 
Carrefour is French, this is why the colour match is not correct.
Quite commonly there will be a theme to an area. A series of almost identical building will use the same pattern in different colours or the same colour in different patterns.
Fortunately this is not used for address purposes as I am a little colour blind.

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