Sometimes I make plans or prepare for plans but then forget about that particular idea. When I am lucky someone else remembers and I get a surprise. I like that!
I had planned to eat something cool today somewhere but I got distracted and by dinner time was still in my pyjamas.
My Previous Plans Pierogi Were Found and Prepared.
Food & Beverage Rating: Strawberry Pierogi
I had sweet pierogi once before. Going into it I was a little unsure if it would work. When I saw that sour cream gets dumped on top I was pretty sure it wouldn't end well.
Getting more wives seems a hassle, I don't have to follow all of Henry's ideas |
Turns out I like these. It has a slightly Tudor style about it; "Bugger convention! if I can have as many wives as I want then I can mix savoury and sweet on my plate".
Do not eat like this. |
These are just shop bought. Ewa's mum doesn't make pierogi as they are kind of time consuming to make (making uszka is completely fine because they are not just small pierogi no matter how much they look like they are and I am just being picky making these statements, do I even want food?)
Too much sour cream for a single piróg |
Probably the filling in these is a bit sweet but it is not super artificial and the sour cream sorts that right out. The dough solid with a slightly heavier bite than, say, pasta. Photo doesn't make it obvious but there is a bit of cooking water with the pierogi which I used to make a little sauce from the cream and filling.
Rating: 8/10 (The Tudors liked beer with breakfast too, they had many great traditions)
One week later and we'd have to wait a year to open them. Probably wouldn't matter. |
Distractions for today were our boxes from Australia arrived. We packed these boxes when we very different people. Nowadays we are looking more and more to minimise the number of physical objects we own. We packed these when we considered that "maybe I'll want to wear that one day" was a valid reason to hang on to things.
Nope, still sticking with one wife, sorry. |
My central storage NAS was in the box. That has all of our photos, music and such in it. Today was spent figuring out the optimal way to connect it to my portable office equipment. Once that was working all our tv shows started updating, backups being made etc. I think I will start carrying this with us. Fair bit of weight and I might have to drop the volume / weight equivalent in underpants or something.
Food & Beverage Review: Lech Ice Shandy
Sweet and savoury together. Actually a lot less bad than I expected. Only a hint of ascorbic acid which annoys me so much in many of the RTD beverages. Lech beers seem, in general, to be over carbonated. This was no different.
Still wouldn't have it with my breakfast. |
I find it amusing that has the "Lech Shandy" rated so much higher than the "Lech Ice Shandy". At a guess the ratebeer people don't like the word ice I can't see the flavour being that different.
Rating: 3/10 (Can't remember why I bought this, I think it was a remnant of another plan I forgot to implement)
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