Thursday, 5 March 2015

2015-03-02: Zone of (mild) Interest.

It's a Monday. I go to the gym and ride back on Mondays. There is a zone marked by two bridges which I consider my Zone Of Interest. It has the trick cyclist walk sign, the Poles climbing the bridge, yesterdays Flags of Don't Know Why.

Todays entry:
They don't get their own lane though

Ewa pointed these carriages out when we were on the farm, she said it wasn't long ago they were common in the city.
Lady bike is slow but horsie was surprisingly quick

Cultural Observation: Shaking Hands and Greetings

In Polish there are several phrases of greeting:
  • Dzień Dobry: Good Day. Semi formal, use it in shops
  • Cześć: Hi. Informal, use it with friends
  • Jak Leci: What's Up? Cool kid slang. I practice this with children
  • Jak się masz: Taught in books, do not use this, way too personal.
Anyone you can use czesc with probably also means you should shake hands when you meet them or are leaving but I think this might be an activity based thing.
At kendo it is czesc and handshake all round on arrival and departure, I fucked this up for ages as I would run out for a smoke after training.
At the gym I have graduated to czesc and handshake from one of the instructor types. I think this means I am getting huge muscles. Or maybe my style amuses him (I am not a very good gym guy).

Rating: 8/10 (I have stopped wearing pink singlets to the gym though)

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