Monday, 23 February 2015

2015-02-19: Hooray

We went to the doctor today for checking of legs and whether we are stranded here while she has knives and such applied to her appendages.
I am going to trust the doctor if it is all the same to you baby Jesus
When I was doing security perimeter database stuff for an aussie bank I had a Macedonian sidekick. We were looking at some Analysis services stuff and she said "that table is fucked". I agreed, it was an awful design. Turned out she meant "that is a fact table". 
This learning meant I didn't freak when the Doctor appeared to say "The Lady is fucked"
Sure is a lot of stairs for a Speciality Orthopaedic shop
Apparently all is healing well, the Slovakian cast maker is not just good but is actually an artisan of leg casts and the doctor cannot see any benefit to removing it for any reason because it is so damn good. He would prefer a bit more upper leg restriction so we will grab one of those brace things.

If Ewa was old he wouldn't bother with it because, I think, basically "screw old people, they don't appreciate my work". I think he might have mother issues.
Oh skateboarding. I used to do that.
We grabbed the upper leg restrictor and went home.At the Orthopaedic shop I was intrigued to see that all the activities depicted were things I have done / still do.
Oh Skiing. I learned that the other day.
Strange that I have never been in one of these shops before, I think I ought to basically be looking for sponsorship.
Oh Ballet. I used to do that.
I could even suggest new things to put up on the walls; "Oh yeah you're going to need a kendo pic over there".
He didn't come out and say "see you again soon" but I could see the dollar signs in his eyes
I am an excellent business manager type.

Food & Beverage Review: Švyturys Coasters

Excellent business management types deserve beer and vodka. 
I noticed that Švyturys supply coasters with flavour profiles on the back. Each beer in their range has 5 elements and where that beer sits in that element.
Good idea. Should probably localise it though as I am not sure how many Poles speak Lithuanian and I certainly don't.

Rating: 7/10 (sooooo close)

Doctor mandated exercise program. The beer was my suggestion as a superior hydration protocol

Cultural Observation: Doctors are Hypnotists

I think when Ewa broke her arm doing the bicycle stuff I mentioned in our stories that the doctor had a great soothing voice and managed to get Ewa to do stretchy things with her arm which she wouldn't have done had she not felt so comfortable, relaxed and in safe hands.
This works even better in Polish. You get the reassuring droney sounds but then there is a the crackle of the cz/sz/rz sounds which makes the comforting drone even better. It is quite hypnotic.

Rating: 9/10 (I am going to learn this so I can ask Ewa to get me a beer and she will be too hypnotised to argue)

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