Kendo here is in the evenings. As mentioned we are notoriously bad at maintaining any sense of sobriety or enthusiasm all the way to the evening. Early is best if you want us to do anything.
The same applies to days of the week. Early in the week we are all get up and go. By Thursday we are lacking in spirit and weak.
But my job is to kick Ewa's arse and force the things so I did. I suspect this is a cunning plan to make me do things. Sort of like reverse psychology. Ewa is the brains of the operation after all.
We played Kendo again.
Floors need cleaning prior to training. |
I was too busy taking photos to join in. A missed learning experience I know but what can I do? |
Random shots testing new camera and half arsed shooting. This was taken with all my armour on. |
Wheee action shots without blur. |
Inaction shots without blur |
I would like to know why gyms and dojos are always so damn yellow though. Maybe in the way blue and pink are calming green and yellow encourages exertion. Or it might just hide the grime better. |
All Done |
| | |
The camera having a continuous mode means I now have lots of pictures taken in succession. Sometimes these are great and google automagically makes little animated gifs of them. Most of them are me being annoying and playing with settings.
Fortunately my primary subject has lots of patience |
Said patience can wear off eventually |
After a long days work and much exertion at training you would think I would quit and go to sleep. Not So. I am a man of incredible fortitude (and charisma).
Food and Beverage Review: Eastern European Beers

Bergquell Kirsch Porter. This was nice enough. Strong cherry flavour (a bit artificial but I kind of like artificial cherry) with a good helping of chocolate underneath. I realise Germany is not Eastern European but I don't care, they can be honorary Eastern Europeans. I am sure that will make all the Germans happy. Very sweet, probably not something many people will agree on. 7/10
I can't remember what this one is. I think it was from east of here. Okayish mouthfeel. Fairly boring flavours for a porter and definitely lighter than I prefer but still, it's a porter. Hard to complain. 6/10
If I knew how to search website for Russian names this review would be more useful. I think this is meant to be a black lager. I think it was on the sweet side of things. I am pretty sure I was very tired by the time I got to this one. Good thing I don't like it too much as I have no idea how to pronounce the name and would be incapable of ordering it. 5/10
Marstons Oyster Stout: If you keep going East from here you will get to England eventually. I thought I loved this beer but maybe I am remembering a different beer. This is too thin to live up to my memories. Okay flavour but doesn't earn England honorary Eastern European status. 5/10
Rating: 4/10 (Worst Eastern European Beer Review ever, this puts me back in the half arsed category with emphasis I believe)
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