Food and Beverage Review: Harnas Jasne Pelne
This is supposedly
a pale lager. Pale lagers are boring beers with no flavours, they are
designed to be pounded back when you want something cold to drink. I
typically hate them outside of the times I want something cold and fast.
Even then I harbour mild disdain for them.
Only mild disdain though |
Occasionally you run
across one with a decent hop level which is fresh enough and everything
comes together. I had a Steinlager once which was really fantastic,
usually I think of Steinlager as crap and I don't want it.
mass market Australian beers fall into this category and I generally
choose by "which one is least offensive" which often means VB because it
isn't actively trying to annoy me when I want a beer. I would never
choose VB unless there was no other practical option.
This is
supposedly in the same style as VB. I doubt many sober people could
drink a room temperature VB. This one is actually surprisingly decent.
Some other comments on called it a standard Polish lager.
Maybe that is the difference.
Quite sweet but it feels like malt
sweetness, not adjunct. No hops to speak of. Almost like the opposite
side of the pale lager style to Steinlager. Feels like a lager to drink
on a cold day when you just want a beer.
Rating: 6/10 (for its purpose, oh plus it is basically free at something like 25 cents a can)
Stupid cars tried to stifle my artistic impulses but I got there in the end |
I had a brilliant idea this morning. I would assemble a collection of tiny coins which could match any conceivable price at the shops and then buy stuff; ridding myself of a few kilos of metal in exchange for goods.
There is probably a more optimal version |
Ewa pointed out that logically if I have all these small coins then everyone else does too and therefore the Lady at the shops would want many coins so I should stop over-thinking it and just take all my coins and the Lady would take as much as she could.
Not optimal. The reserve 1 złoty coins are for toilet stops. This is actually good advice, you should do this if you visit Poland. |
Turns out the Lady at the shops may find me delightful but she has no overwhelming desire to rid me of coins. I shall try the over-thought version next time.
Linguistic Humour: Robots
I like robots. Mostly I like saying the word (you have to use a zoidberg voice) and the fact that polish has a word Robot (which means machine) just makes me happy. Earth moving machines are called roboty ziemne which I thought was Cold Robot when I saw it the first time.
The robot from Battle For Terra looks like my favourite robot from Futurama. He never practised his stabbing though. |
In my head I agreed that robots can seem cold on the surface, deep down they just want to be loved though.
Rating: 6/10 (I need to get a job moving earth)
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