Party, Party, Party! But first. Science.
This science comes with graphs already made! |
I smoke. I smoke a lot. Some say too much. Some of these are people are every single female under this roof including the niece.
I have decided to conduct science. We are off to Poprad on Sunday for a couple of weeks skiing. I will quit tobacco and use electronic cigarettes instead.
For this to count as science I need to measure some stuff. I figure Max VO2 is a good thing to measure.
Black and White is art. This is Art and Science and Fitness. We are renaissance people! |
We happen to have joined a gym with lots of science things. Given the choice of two week membership or a month we took a month just because the month comes with science (and, I think, saunas).
The end is less artistic than the beginning |
There are two ways to interpret our breathing science.
1. I smoke too much but have learned to breathe pretty good from various things I have done.
2. Ewa is totally competitive and next time she has to go first because boy numbers have to be higher than girl numbers and all she was doing was beating me by a few seconds which translates to absolute domination when the sex differential is applied.
Observing results perks winners up quickly |
Stupid sexism. Ewa is the tiniest bit off "Superior". I had a large Polish gym scientist claiming that "for someone as old and decrepit looking as you I was surprised when you passed 'average'".
I did notice he didn't try it.
No One Talks About It |
We are now all sweaty, I also need to clean my naginata gear and a therapeutic swim would be good. To the aquapark!
Kendo Kleening (tm) |
Ice Bath was too frozen to use properly |
One of the Kendo guys is leaving Białystok and heading for England en route to Australia.
Even worse mechanics than at the Hary Motocycle bar |
He is having farewell drinks at MotorPub which is the bar I saw a few weeks back and thought the tagline was "Music, Booze and Driving".
Vodka, for Ladies |
I was introduced to a charming Polish tradition. Vodka stand up bars. Little houses on a street corner that. in most countries, would sell hotdogs or icecream or something similar. Here they sell vodka.
Shhhh it is secret |
We didn't buy any. Vodka is for sick people and Ladies. We are Men. Powerful Manly Białostoczaninem (I am honorary).
The Bartender didn't want to run the photo by being in it. He ducked below the bar |
Powerful Manly Men Drink Oak Aged Forest Dwellers Home Distilled Spirits. It comes in red plastic bottles that are under the counter.
Do not order anything visible, that is an embarrassing rookie mistake |
You get a gherkin with it for free.
Outside is cold so street signs are inside. Makes sense to me. |
If New Zealand ever wants to invade Poland it will be easy so long as the strategy is followed:
- Send one sacrificial New Zealander
- Watch every Pole insist on sharing a vodka with him
- Watch everyone have a snooze
- Invade
I have no idea why I took this. Maybe to show Ewa and claim we were just looking at Białystok historic buildings. |
I have no idea how to hold the country after the invasion but at the cost of one kiwi that would be the most successful invasion ever.
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