Tuesday, 24 February 2015

2015-02-23: Even more boring would have been okay actually

At the gym today there were two quite large fellows who are in pretty amazing shape. I had to ask one of them if I could grab some equipment near him and, in doing so, noticed their shirts. The first one read "Ian Stuart, the flame that never dies" which rang faint bells.

The second was "Blood and Honour: Polish Division" That rang faint bells as well. The stylised swastika gave it away. Hooray I am working out with probable Neo-Nazis. I may change my schedule as I do often attract interaction from the unusual people in society.

One of the advantages of a country which does get cold is that gyms and such cater for people with huge amounts of bulky clothing.
I like the unusual geometry
We get lockers at the gym. We also have hair dryers but my hair is not long enough to need that yet.
The Nazi guys didn't need it either
When I had my shower I wandered in and the two large Neo-Nazi fellows were using 2 of the 4 showers (no cubicles, just individual shower heads in a row).
Urban prison lore tells me in this situation I should assert my dominance and just punch the biggest one. I couldn't decide which one of them was bigger.

Tourist Checklist: Nude Nazis

Not something I had on my list and I didn't have my camera. Oh well.

Rating: Viewed

To relax I went shopping for stimulants. Electric cigarettes are pretty big here and there are 3 stalls in a row at the shopping mall selling the liquid and the machinery.
The range of flavours is quite impressive. I bought boring US Tobacco flavoured. Once I figure out the strengths I am after and how long the stuff lasts I might go one of the fancy multi coloured test packs. They look like candy.

2015-02-22: Secret Feasting

We went to horsies today. The cool kids were in the back with adults in the front. I may have been the only cool kid to not fall asleep after the excitement of horsies.
Do Not Let Appearances Fool You. This One Plots And Schemes.
Horsies are out in the countryside. The Storks have not arrived yet.They have about 3 weeks to get here. I hope they hurry up.
Quite a large solar installation. No idea what it is for.
As Ewa cannot ride she made videos of us riding.Then we reviewed them. I didn't ride very well today and the videos made me sad, then I got hungry. Such a range of emotions.

Food & Beverage Review: Goulash.

Polish Goulash is much milder than I expected. The meat (pretty sure it was pork but I still get tricked by the different cuts here) was really soft and delightful. I turned into the indomitable destroyer of foods. I tried:
Goulash with Kasza: Kasza is buckwheat groats. Nice and nutty. Good base for the goulash sauce. As the sauce is mild the flavour of the kasza still comes through.

The gherkin is my vegetable intake
Goulash With Extra Sour Cream: The trick here is to use a spoon to get the sauce. Generally Poles don't seem to use a spoon to eat main meals. Not sure why. I happily use the most efficient utensil I can find. Without interfering cereals the goulash is easier to funnel down your gullet.
Late evening, still eating.
And then I got it all perfect.
Goulash with bread with smalec: This wins and no further correspondence will be entered into. Bread works as a mopping agent, crunchy bits from smalec give textural contrast and the fat melts slowly over everything.
If I was opening a late night cafe for hungry hungry people I would sell this and only this (well obviously beer and vodka as well)

Rating: 10/10 (And there is still some left for tomorrow night!)

Food & Beverage Review: Jaffa Cakes (But plum flavoured)

Poland loves jaffa cakes. They have them in several flavours. I thought the purple was a nice colour. Apparently when Poles were first (legally) migrating to the UK they couldn't afford the imported items from home but the English love for jaffa cakes meant they could cheat and just get them.

Radioactive Purple!
I like them well enough but I probably don't have enough nostalgia for them to make them seem super special. These seem about the same as the ones I remember, soft slightly crumbly biscuit base and a pretty thick jelly which had an okay plum flavour. From memory jaffa cakes with orange the paste was pretty thick as well. If you are an English person in Poland despairing at being able to afford the can of mushy peas at the EnglishMan Abroad shop you could probably get these and be happy.

Rating: 6/10 (If they were about and I was a ravenous food monster I'd eat again)

The medium density apartment blocks have a feature I find kind of weird. The ends don't have windows. So they often have huge ads on them.
I am lead to believe that the majority (or at least a significant minority) of urban Poles live in similar apartment blocks to these. However there is apparently little in the way of ghettoisation. Ewa says this is because people were given the apartments and now have all their friends there and can't really afford to move to houses. This means there socio economic mix remains pretty high.

I was reading up on crime statistics and Poland is remarkably low compared to Australia on just about everything except corruption. Oddly enough people reported being roughly as afraid of crime at night as Australia though.

Monday, 23 February 2015

2015-02-21: Sensitive New Age Guy

The Princess is having a hard time doing the Daily Shop Sprint due to the leg immobiliser. I was trusted with purchasing items.
As a guy buying tampons that doesn't speak the language the hardest thing is that the shop doesn't have them.
I am so metrosexual I know the difference between these and what I am meant to get.
I stood there a long time trying to work out what the different options were but none of them were the desired style.
In the end I gave up, bought my beer and smokes and wandered home.
Finish does do a pretty powerful cleaning job but I think the bubbles would be bad.
pffft nowhere near that easy. The Lady at the corner shop has taken me under her wing. I am now the retarded boy that needs help.
The camera autofocussed on the beer. This was not me ignoring my lessons.
So I got an impromptu Polish lesson before I was allowed my beer and cigarettes.
On the way to the shops one of the guys down the road brought his little old communist times car out. I love these things.
I was sober and did not climb into his car and demand to be driven at crazy speeds to a hairbrained heist. One day my friend, one day.
Apparently they are somewhat popular now because you don't have to drive them. You can choose to! Pretty sure it isn't a trabant (because of the head lights). Plus the trabant had tail fins, which are pretty cool.

Hey I Did Research!

It is a Fiat. When I was a kid I loved the Fiat Bambina. Wikipedia says some people called this a Bambina. Either those people are wrong and broken or wikipedia is, once again, a lying whore. I suspect the latter. The Bambina was the 500 and the best one I ever saw was painted like a football. It wasn't the collest Italian car ever, the milk cart they had was, it went in reverse at the same speed as forward and a skateboarding friend of mine spent ages driving one backwards on a roundabout when he was drunk. I giggled but did not partake in the chaos (and probable larceny) at the time.

Apparently the Fiat 126 with the "p" designation is the Polish version and it was a common car here for a while. Nowadays they get stolen a fair bit (I am told by sources more reliable than wikipedia) for parts.

This dude has kept his so pretty that I am sure if I got one he would have someone steal mine for his parts. At least I now have photographic evidence of where he lives.

2015-02-20: Pepped up by Poles

Went for my lady bike ride and gym session all by myself again today.
I am so cool I don't need fancy wheels. And red is cooler anyway.

On the ride home I must have looked a bit down as a Polish fellow decided to cheer me up by doing mental stuff.
With a damn big grin
I did not join in but I was certainly cheered up.

Equipment Review: Mobile Office

This is actually working a lot better than I had any right to expect of it. I did plan it out before leaving Australia but I am impressed at how well it has worked.
Trust the Potato.
Lenovo T440p: It is corporate grade so it doesn't have retarded "let's break all security" stuff preloaded onto it. It runs 4 hyperV machines with ease, mostly these are for connecting to client sites and so have relatively low load but one has SQL Server running and another has Outlook and all my other user level stuff on it. I did lose the HDMI adapter which was stupid of me but hasn't been an issue yet as most teles have vga anyway.
VypVPN: I use giganews for my vpn requirements. This allows me to impersonate a machine in various countries so I can watch things like the Daily Show, ABC News 24 online. I have the occasional drop out but mostly it works fine. In theory I can use Hulu as well but I haven't bothered yet.
Asus RT-N12+ wireless router: I grabbed this for hotel rooms which don't have wifi. Weighs almost nothing. Have only had to use it once (Poprad) but it worked beautifully. Phones, tablets etc all connected fine and setup with the wizard worked out of the box.
2TB HDD for external backups /archive: I screwed up here by not grabbing a notebook drive. Will have to change this. Notebook drive hopefully won't need external power and will weigh less. PGP'ed up so relatively safe.
HP Mouse (and keyboard not shown): I got the x4000 wireless mouse & Elite Keyboard v2 combo which run off the single usb dongle. Mouse works on almost every surface I have used (including my desk in Aus which refused several mice). Keyboard has taken a couple of beers and being packed into a bag and thrown around. Battery life looks like about 3 months for my usage which is pretty heavy. Bit annoyed the batteries are not interchangeable.
GP701 Portable Powerbank: This thing is crazy. 10 000mAh. Takes 8 hours to charge but has held the charge for almost 2 months and has saved me from having a dead phone several times. Also charges tablets for the Candy Crush addicts amongst us.
Samsung S22D300 (Not Shown): Piece of steaming crap. Stand is non swivel. Angle of viewing is along the lines of "if you are not at the precise angle you can't see a damn thing". This makes it useless for watching movies in bed. Even on my desk I have to prop it up with a spare hard drive under the stand so I can use it.

Rating: 8/10 (I can drop a few grams with the drive and would like battery compatibility for the mouse/kb but I am quite proud of myself for a starting idea)

We had an amazing sunset tonight. The sun was a vast ball of churning molten toffee hovering over the houses.
It got me thinking. Why is the sun setting over there? I thought I was looking North out the window but the sun was setting on the right. Maybe they switch that for the Northern Hemisphere?
I had to work through from first principles to ensure that the only problem was that I am looking south when I look out the window.
Also of course the "big things on the horizon" are optical illusions and cameras are too dumb to see them
I had the same problem in Poprad when I saw 4 stars in the sky that were in a close together straight line. I couldn't remember there being a straight line of 4 stars. So then I had to work through in my little brain about whether stars move in relation to each other and so could create a 4 star line.
By the time I had worked out that they don't (much) I also remembered that constellations exist and so stars can't move (much) in relation to each other.
By that time also the 3rd light in the line had moved off as it was a plane and the other three stayed still because they are lights on a mountain road.
I might not be the brains of the operation but at least I try!

A Plea For Help: ID this lookalike

I was annoyed by this magazine for two main reasons.
1. It has a tabloid style cover but is just full of crosswords, no gossip at all. The reason it has a tabloid style headshot on the cover is because it is called "Corona" which means it should have a head on it. But they could have called it "Crosswords" and had a bored commuter on the cover which would have made more sense.
Slovakia doesn't use the Corona anymore so it has zero amusement factor of trying to pay for things with it
2. The person is faintly familiar but I cannot remember who it is. She is a Polish actor and is not the person I thought I recognised but couldn't remember. If anyone knows who I think it looks like please tell me as it is really annoying me.

Rating: 1/10 (circular logic shits me to tears)

2015-02-19: Hooray

We went to the doctor today for checking of legs and whether we are stranded here while she has knives and such applied to her appendages.
I am going to trust the doctor if it is all the same to you baby Jesus
When I was doing security perimeter database stuff for an aussie bank I had a Macedonian sidekick. We were looking at some Analysis services stuff and she said "that table is fucked". I agreed, it was an awful design. Turned out she meant "that is a fact table". 
This learning meant I didn't freak when the Doctor appeared to say "The Lady is fucked"
Sure is a lot of stairs for a Speciality Orthopaedic shop
Apparently all is healing well, the Slovakian cast maker is not just good but is actually an artisan of leg casts and the doctor cannot see any benefit to removing it for any reason because it is so damn good. He would prefer a bit more upper leg restriction so we will grab one of those brace things.

If Ewa was old he wouldn't bother with it because, I think, basically "screw old people, they don't appreciate my work". I think he might have mother issues.
Oh skateboarding. I used to do that.
We grabbed the upper leg restrictor and went home.At the Orthopaedic shop I was intrigued to see that all the activities depicted were things I have done / still do.
Oh Skiing. I learned that the other day.
Strange that I have never been in one of these shops before, I think I ought to basically be looking for sponsorship.
Oh Ballet. I used to do that.
I could even suggest new things to put up on the walls; "Oh yeah you're going to need a kendo pic over there".
He didn't come out and say "see you again soon" but I could see the dollar signs in his eyes
I am an excellent business manager type.

Food & Beverage Review: Å vyturys Coasters

Excellent business management types deserve beer and vodka. 
I noticed that Å vyturys supply coasters with flavour profiles on the back. Each beer in their range has 5 elements and where that beer sits in that element.
Good idea. Should probably localise it though as I am not sure how many Poles speak Lithuanian and I certainly don't.

Rating: 7/10 (sooooo close)

Doctor mandated exercise program. The beer was my suggestion as a superior hydration protocol

Cultural Observation: Doctors are Hypnotists

I think when Ewa broke her arm doing the bicycle stuff I mentioned in our stories that the doctor had a great soothing voice and managed to get Ewa to do stretchy things with her arm which she wouldn't have done had she not felt so comfortable, relaxed and in safe hands.
This works even better in Polish. You get the reassuring droney sounds but then there is a the crackle of the cz/sz/rz sounds which makes the comforting drone even better. It is quite hypnotic.

Rating: 9/10 (I am going to learn this so I can ask Ewa to get me a beer and she will be too hypnotised to argue)

Saturday, 21 February 2015

2015-02-18: Well That Was A Day Of Excitement!

Cultural Observation: Teevee

Poles love Jackie Chan. Australians do too and SBS regularly has weeks of "Jackie Chan movie a night" things. Unlike the SBS version there have been no advertisements for the special theme. I don't watch much tele but he is on every night. I assume they just have him on every night.
However Jackie Chan is nowhere near as important as Home Alone.
Every Christmas "Home Alone" is on  tele. In the 90's it was played at christmas for the first time and it was the first family movie which showed the west with pretty houses and holidays and it was the dream the Poles were being offered after communism. Everyone in America lived like these people was the claim this movie made.

Before Christmas this year there was a news article which was about whether it should be shown and scrolling along the bottom was something breaking news something ukraine something something after the clip the news hosts didn't even mention the Ukraine thing, straight into the "Home Alone" scandal.
It gets played every year because the stations have already paid for it and there were only 3 stations at Christmas and you are in a food coma and you don't have a remote control (they were not here at the time).
A few years back a station decided not to play it and a petition got started to play it every year on the first day of christmas. Ewa claims Poles have much better movies (I like Sexmission, that was Benny Hill silly and out first ever date movie).

And now people are making all sorts of Art student type stretches relating morality and Good vs Evil and so on. The comparison of Home Alone to how Poland managed to get rid of its most recent tyrannical yoke is not something I had ever considered.
Mind you my cousin got a place at Oxford university for a sociology paper on the killing of Kenny in South Park a whiles back. So I guess we westerners are not so different after all

And isn't that the real message of Christmas? Even art students are tolerated at that glorious time.

Rating: 8/10 (Jackie Chan is great, and we didn't watch Home Alone)

Translation Humour: Internet Access

Not even a good looking version of the scary internet bear.
Talking and SMS'es, Without Limits, Plushy Internet! Without Consequences.

Rating: 9/10 (I thought the plushies had left the internet)

Linguistic Skills: Ä™

At the shops I heard the ę (pronounced "aeon") at the end of Dziękuję (thank you) instead of just hearing it as an "e" sound. This made me happy.

Rating: 8/10 (probably it is the lack of loud music making my ears work again)

My life is too exciting. We went to a sports shop and bought some comfy pants for the Ewa/Crutches combo. I need to do something about this.

  • I will apply for a long term visa here.
Expected Success Rates:
  • Obtaining Visa: 60%
  • Reducing Excitement: 100% 
(actually getting a visa is an immanently sensible thing to do in case Ewa can't fly or I get stuck here or any of a bunch of.... my lord I am boring myself already. This plan is great. I will go toe to toe with ex commie paperwork masters and we will have a complexity based bore off)

Friday, 20 February 2015

2015-02-17: Paranoia might be caused by lack of sun

Cultural Observations: Music as Nostalgic Celebration

In Poland there is lots of music from the eighties. This could be just because in Australia I didn't listen to much in the way of radio outside of JJJ so I didn't notice it there. However I only really listen to the radio here in cabs and shopping centres and I did that in Australia.
In Slovakia and Czech Republic I noticed the same thing except the music was from the early nineties.
I suspect that the two countries had huge things happening at the time (Poland, Bye bye Commies. Czech/Slovakia, Bye bye each other) and that burned the music into their brains.
On this basis all you have to do is find the music period you like, check out which country had something big and exciting happen during that period and move there to ensure the background music is your favourite.

Rating 7.5/10 (You're Welcome)

Or of course some kind of NSA sensor array

We have a bathroom of the future. I only just noticed. The light fitting is pretty much the same as one I had in Australia but the bulbs have little bits in them like robot eyes. I am guessing they are heating elements to warm the bathroom. That's cool.
Looks can be deceptive
Plus the bathroom has secret Japanese messages in the tiles. The Japanese do love the future (well the future as seen by the eighties anyway) so that is fitting.
Secret message revealed
The messages are sideways and I don't read Japanese but I recognise some of them from Karaoke nights with visiting students.
It is "no", pronounced "noh" and is common enough you just sing it loudly and everyone thinks you are joining in.

My Electric Cigarette Juice Is Contaminated! I might be paranoid but the plastic rippy open seals were all open. I have just read some studies regarding levels of formaldehyde in electric cigarettes so I am not touching these. Science and beating Ewa will have to wait until I get back down to the shop and buy some sealed ones.

Activity Review: Store Sprinting.

In the meantime Ewa is progressing well. We had our daily exercise of walking to the shop at the end of the street. Her skills with crutches improve and I only just finished my cigarette in time to go in.
On the way back an old Crow Lady (black coat, grey fur) started about 10 metres behind us.
I watched the old biddy get closer and closer but didn't want to excite Ewa's competitive instinct too early and cause a crash. When we were about 5 metres from home I pointed out we were winning and Ewa did a crutches sprint for the finish. We won. Suck that old Lady.

Rating: 8/10 (it was getting close for a minute)

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a pretty big guy. When he arrived in the States apparently he had no calf muscles to speak of and would do photo shoots knee deep in water to hide them. Presumably with lamenting women folk across his shoulders.
He got a bit upset and went mental growing calf muscles.
I mention this because I have been a bit nervous that without regular training I am going to lose the spring in my step which might be the only thing my naginata has going for it.
Salad and Krakow Schnitzel, good for bottom leg muscle growth.
Due to working at about 9pm to catch the start of business in Aus getting to kendo training is tricky at times and kendo doesn't really keep my naginata skills in the correct shape. I thought maybe as part of my secret plan to beat Ewa in Science I could do calf stuff at the gym and so read up on it.
Apparently yesterday I did about half the weight Schwarzenegger did to build his calves.
I know half doesn't seem much but I don't even get close to a tenth for the rest of the weights he used so I was happy.
Today I am not so happy. My bottom legs hurt.Stupid bottom legs.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

2015-02-16: Solo Activities

Smoking Science failed in Slovakia due to Linguistic and Logistic Limitations.

Plus I got fat eating breakfast buffets bulked up a lot growing ski muscle.

Ewa is growing even better shoulder muscles as we speak and she was already ahead of me on many key measures of fitness. I will be shamed by a Lady (again) if I am not careful!

My secret plan:
  • Ride bike to the gym every second day
  • Do gym things
  • Buy electric cigarette juice
  • Win
  • Get kisses
As with all plans this is a plan with nested options available and varying levels of reactive response depending on situational fluidity.

Activity Review: My Personal Hell of the North.

Paris-Roubaix is a classic bike race in the north of France across busted arse cobbles. To win you must be an awesome bike rider and also a little mental. It is referred to as The Hell of The North.
  • It doesn't have climbs.
  • No one competes on Lady Bikes.
  • They do not engage the dynamo for the headlamp.
  • They wear gloves to keep their hands warm.

Terrifying Climb, With Cobbles.
I did the opposite of these points. For various interpretations of words. The climb may have been a gradient of maybe 4 degrees, compete may not quite describe my style. But I did have the stupid dynamo sucking energy from my legs and using it to scare crows. Fortunately the crows did not attack my cold cold hands.
Stuart O'Grady would love to come train with me.
Looks less intimidating this way, but still...
Now I want some Performance Enhancing Drugs or beer, beer will do.

Rating: 6.5/10 (I'll do it again but next time with gloves)

Cultural Observations: Gym Culture

In Australia I was usually the fattest and hairiest guy at the gym. Didn't really bother me as I have awesome calf muscles and most of them have none and look stupid. Plus I was usually the sweatiest as well which intimidates pretty boys.
Still one of my favourite photos. Personalities captured.
Here I am never the fattest, there are some truly inspiring bellies to be seen. Fortunately I don't know enough Polish to ask if I can jiggle the really impressive ones.
I am also never the hairiest. In cold weather my body seems to put all resources into generating a pelt of neanderthal qualities. Despite this many of the stereotypical gym bunny types (i.e. no calf muscles) are often hairier than me.
Rehabilitation of the physical type only.
I am still mostly the sweatiest though.
I find this comforting (and feel superior every time some little skinny calf muscles go by).

Rating: 8/10 (They might laugh at my Lady bike though)

It is important to hydrate yourself at the gym. I have a fancy bottle. In the past I have just used a cycling bottle however when getting a new bag of creatine I saw they had bottles with shakers so I grabbed a couple.
Polish people are afraid of the cold. When I filled my bottle from the tap it was still pretty hot from the scaredy cat Polish man before me. I didn't notice because the fancy bottle is quite thick.
I had a sensei once tell me that when you drink after training you should let the drink warm in your mouth before swallowing to avoid some kind of too much cold in your stomach thing happening. I always figured that was pretty much bollocks, heat exchange anywhere is not likely to make that much difference on that scale.
Today I pretended it was true and sipped my warm water between sets pretending I was following his advice and not just too lazy to go all the way back to the tap for cold water.

Goals Achieved:
  • Personal Hell of the North conquered
  • Gym routine powered through
  • USA tobacco flavoured juice acquired
  • Ate lots of Bigos and vege soup
(Ego is +2)
Personal Failures:
  • Succumbed to pretty colours on a chocolate wrapper
  • Skipped Kendo as I had to work
(Ego is -2)

Balanced, yep that is me.
It did have pretty colours on it...

When shopping for D3 & Calcium supplements for Ewa's leg I finally found the hotdog shop I have smelled a few times. I have promised myself classic Polish hotdog when I get my weight and fat both back under my 20 day and 100 day average lines. Apparently American hotdogs were mostly popularised by Polish immigrants so I should try the local ones before heading to the States. Yeah that is a good reason.
And a nice sunset to round out the day
Pretty sure that is Venus right there. I must learn the stars up here.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

2012-02-15: Returning to a childlike state

Our return journey was via Boumin. I thought I was ready for the colours of the cafe at the station. I was not.
My eyes are scalded
Hey the makeshift scarf / sock / string thing kind of coordinates.
And so do the pain killers.

Food & Beverage Review: Semtex

I was expecting this to be some kind of over the top strong lager popular with uni students and bums.
It is an energy drink (which might be popular with students but I doubt it).
This. Do Not.
It is awful even by energy drink standards.
Consumed in this environment it provides jittery energy to an overstimulated nervous system.
I took ten photos of coins because I liked the mounted guy, then I jabbered about horsies for a while

Rating: 1/10 (just. wow.)

Soothing environment, jangling nerves calming....
A toilet break showed us that Bohumin train station has a nice dingy, crowded, noisy, dark bar in it. If I wasn't bouncing on caffeine, taurine and a few other eine group chemicals and Ewa wasn't on crutches we would have stayed in there. If you are in Bohumin go to that bar. It is in the waiting room (not the main ticket area).
In Poland this would sell vodka, that would calm me down.

Ewa pointed out that before meeting me she had to go to the doctor for accidents about once a decade. Now she does it on an annual basis. A new theory has arisen.
This guy probably has no money or cigarettes. Or soul after finishing that can.
  • I always look like a bum / homeless guy. 
  • Every T shirt I own has bleach spots on it despite me never using bleach 
  • In Sydney I would put clean clothes on and have cockatiel poop on me within seconds
  • The boots I bought in zakopane look older than Ewa's which are about a decade old.
  • When getting my ski boots fixed up Daniel mentioned I must have really hit a lot of stuff, I said I hoped it was bloody kids. He was surprised by the purchase date on the receipt, 3 days is just not long enough for this amount of damage to a boot.
Ewa surmises that the reason she broke her leg is because she is falling under my sphere of influence.

Cultural Observation: Cold Weather

When the weather is below zero everyone wears coats and scarves and so on. This acts as a camouflage for beggars, homeless types and bums. Fortunately I tend to look like a bum so it takes a really empty area for the bums to ask me for cigarettes.

Rating:8/10 (this theory gives me a reason to maintain my particular style)

Ewa's family home is a typical Polish house (I have been in 2 houses) and has lot of stairs. Ewa is not that good with crutches yet. She has reverted to climbing the stairs on her butt with me carrying crutches behind her. The little gate to stop kiddies from playing on the stairs now works to pen Ewa in. I find this amusing. Fortunately she is usually facing away from me when I smile at this.

Activity Review: Gym Compensation Plans

Ewa will be unable to go to the gym or any other physical activities for a bit. She is worried she will lose all the muscles she has grown.
I did do romantic graffiti on her cast though
I have suggested she do dips on the stairs. So far this only occurs when I am watching but it does look like it will keep her shoulders nice and strong.

Rating: 7/10 (I am a genius or maybe 1/10 I am suicidal)

Home safe and sound. And playing games no one knows the rules to.