Sunday 20 December 2015

Jukendo Kata: Mokuju vs Mokuju #3 (銃剣道 形)

  • Uchi takes geidan, Shi remains in chudan
  • Shi takes 3 steps
  • Uchi takes 2.5
  • Should be at tomai about 10 cm space between mokuju
  • Shi applies seme to omote, small step, slight lowering of centre of gravity
  • Should now be close to issoku ito no mai
  • As shi applies pressure uchi reacts with a larg-ish covering of omote
  • Shi sees the opportunity opening under the armpit of uchi
  • Shi removes pressure from uchis blade
  • Uchi continues the block movement mostly by straightening the front arm
  • Shi strikes shita (underneath) this comes from uchis left side and under the arm. It is still "straight"
  • Zanshin starts with a large step back by Shi, mokuju should clear each other by about 5cm
  • Zanshin is completed with a covering of Uchi's front kote
  • Uchi starts moving back to issoku  in chudan and Shi follows 
  • Steps will be required to return to centre, performed by both (normally 3 tiny steps)
  • Both lower the mokuju to Geidan
  • Both do 5 small steps back to the starting spot
  • Return to chudan  

Important points:

  • 2.5 steps is 2 normal size steps followed by a half size step, do not just break the distance down into 3 even size steps.
  • Shi doesn't make a big drop under the mokuju, the strike should be basically the same as a strike to omote, it just happens to be swept off course a bit by uchi. Maybe a centimetre off course.
  • Uchi making the covering movement opens shita. This done with an almost scooping movement of both hands for the initial block, imagine moving the mokuju like you were a forklifter.
  • As Shi removes pressure Uchi extends the front arm on about a 45 degree angle to open Shita properly. 
  • Shi must remember (and Uchi too but mostly a Shi problem in our experience) that the mokuju has a lower viewpoint than their own eyes and can therefore "see" a teeny tiny opening which Shi cannot see visually.
  • In a perfect world I think that all of the blocks in the kata by Uchi don't actually contact Shi's weapon in an audible manner, more like Uchi reacts to the seme with a block which Shi has anticipated and so the block never occurs. It is a block against where Uchi thinks Shi is attacking. (TBH this is a concept I need to spend time checking when I am better at this stuff and I think it has a lot of the jukendo meaning of seme in it but will carry across to other stuff as well)
What we did wrong (an incomplete list):
  • Almost everything mentioned previously (these are from the same series so we do the same dumb stuff for the common elements)
  • Ewa reacts to my geidan, I don't think she is meant to
  • My block is not a block, just a kind of acknowledgement of her coming in
  • I don't use my back hand for the first bit of the block
  • Ewa drop her mokuju way low after my first stage of the block
  • Strike ends too far from me
  • It looks like I am standing open, not in hanmi while receiving
  • Ewa's zanshin step back is not far enough.

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