Lots of the mafia movies I have seen were set in New Jersey. I also believe the mafia got a lot of their power through operating garbage hauling and disposal companies. I believe this because of those movies. Turns out it is true.
I used to work with guys that would make this kind of thing. His name is BoxMan. He is the mascot of the van rental place. |
We grabbed a van to get rid of the rubbish from yesterday and drove to the local disposal place. Turns out they don't accept rubbish from just anyone. They also don't know who would take the rubbish.
Jukendo Muscles Of Power! |
His almost total lack of knowledge regarding the rubbish industry got a little weird until he pointed out they were started by the mafia and still operate as if they were the mafia. I think the reason they still operate as if they were the mafia is because they still are the mafia.
It is a toll booth in the middle of a freeway. Leaving your car would be foolish regardless. |
We called around and found a place miles away which would take the rubbish so we drove there. It took a while.
In Japan Ramen is written ラーメン. My name is written ラースン. They are arguably similar to look at and everyone sees Ramen written everywhere on restaurants etc. So I get called Ramen a fair amount. When I am lazy and sitting down I often say Rahhh and then announce that I am the Rahhhh man. It may not be a good joke but we keep it going.
It is fitting that the Rahman rides the Rahway! The Amboys can just get the hell out. |
When we got to the place that would take the rubbish they said they couldn't take the rubbish because the source of the rubbish was not in an area that they take rubbish from.
I had the brilliant idea of just going to a bar and finding someone local that could drive the rented van and drop it off. Plus it would mean I could get beer. Ellory thought there was a flaw in the plan; the place already knew us and so we would have to give the local guy the keys and wait for him. A New Jersey guy you don't know involving himself in a shady deal would doubtless steal the van.
Seems the kind of strip bar an eighties out of work porn star would be hanging out. He'd get himself involved in shady rubbish related schemes for sure. |
If so I figured that would mean he would have the problem of the rubbish, Ellory pointed out he would dump it illegally and the van would be tied to us meaning we would be stranded miles from home with multiple felonies accruing. So I didn't get my beer.
Maybe no beer was for the best though... |
Cultural Observations: Wooden Cars
Growing up there was a reasonably popular variation of the morris minor which had a little wooden van body built on the back.
They had a top speed of about 30km/hr... they were not good cars. |
I am pretty sure it was because wood was cheap. Not for style reasons.
When I first saw National Lampoons Vacation I wondered about the wooden panelling on Chevy Chases family car. It looked like it had been done as a stylistic thing.
Like badly treated high schooler students books.. |
Americans seem to still like having cars with wood glued on. I don't get it.
Rating: 2/10 (especially for the plastic glue on stuff)
This is the Pulaski Skyway. It is named for a Polish fellow. Hard to get a decent photo of without a helicopter. |
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