Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Jukendo: Basic Exercises, Fumikomi (銃剣道: 基本)

Loosely speaking you won't score without fumikomi. Jukendo fumikomi is slightly different to kendo style which has a stomp sound to it. We don't use fumikomi in naginata so it is different to that too.

Jukendo is more of a slap sound and you want to be able to do lots of them very quickly one after the after. If you don't know how to do fumikomi at all you probably want to start by trying to learning kendo style (it seems easier). Alex Bennett did a good video on that:

Remember that jukendo footwork in general is a series of smaller steps than kendo or naginata and that any movement up / down or loss of hanmi which would be acceptable risk in kendo / naginata is probably going to be viewed as a huge striking opportunity in jukendo as most movements are much smaller.

Once you  have a bit of a handle on fumikomi do it for every step up and down the dojo. You should have Feet Of Fire after half an hour or so.

When the flames have subsided start trying to get more of a slap sound to the impact, I think this is easiest by landing on the heel first and then slapping the front of the foot to the ground. The trick is to land on the heel without much weight, weight will make you cry. I practice this by standing still with my heel on the ground and just slapping the floor with the front of my foot quickly.

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