Tuesday, 12 May 2015

2015-04-29: Alternative Medicine

The Princess's plan today is to heal me using alternative therapy. First to the gym to do yoga in the hot room. This didn't particularly appeal to me as I am not a bendy fellow at the best of times. My skills at sweating also need little encouragement.
Even less appealing than this product
But maybe it did make sense. Afterwards The Belgian Beer Weekend seemed even more appealing than it normally would have. We are in Golden Week now. This is a period when there are 4 public holidays within a week and the locals pull out their party hats.
This is fairly normal behaviour. Weird, but normal. I was surprised when she didn't actually start stripping.
This probably explains why the Belgian Beer Weekend goes for over a week. I have been to a few beer festivals in my life; mostly they are quite chaotic affairs. This was remarkably civilised and well organised.
The Academy of Slimmer Living? I can't think of another country a cigarette company could get away with that... plus they are all skinny here anyway.
A great range of beers available including several I have never tried before but wanted to (Maredsous trippel.... oh my you are lovely) one I thought Ewa would especially enjoy (Malheur 12. so dark, so sweet, so 12% alcohol!).
I forgot the princess is not a beer nerd and so would not immediately know that a Something 12 was going to be insanely high in alcohol but would be well disguised.
Sadly my previous experience of Beer Festivals caused me to make an awful mistake. Usually I get all excited at the first stall and don't check all options before using all my tokens up and no longer being in a state to appreciate a beer I haven't tried.
High alcohol beer leads to Meat Fest!
So when I saw that Brasserie d'Achouffe had a stall and they had the Christmas special beer N'Ice Chouffe (which I really wanted to try even though it is a winter beer) I held off and continued checking the options.
Japanese drinking culture is spookily civilised
Oddly there was another stall at the end of the trek that also had Brasserie d'Achouffe beers. But not the christmas special. I went back to where I had seen my intended.
We saw one glass get broken. And we were given glasses, not plastic tumblers.
It was gone and the stall claimed to be for Winterkoninkske Grand Cru. I looked everywhere and it was not to be found. Even the place selling take home bottles didn't have it.

Two places had a queue. The glass rinsing station.
And the Belgian chips with Mayonnaise stand. This should have been obvious as the Japanese do like mayo a lot.
They were good chips and well worth waiting for
I think I will give up on being sensible and learning from my mistakes.

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