Friday, 8 May 2015

2015-04-20: Tokyo has other stuff too, it's okay

Thanks Tokyo, I do know how up and down work, no need to be condescending about things.

Activity Review: Making Me Smarter

During a break at the Budokan yesterday we wandered through the gardens and checked out the science museum.
Oh, pretty flowers in the gardens
Geared towards kids in a sort of hands on science activity way.
I guess someone stole it without touching it. Probably used a fishing rod.
I like these places in general. Most of the exhibits fall into the category of
  • Mildly interesting
  • Obviously Educational (and no fun)
  • Broken
  • Really cool
Worst. Driving. Game. Ever.
And the Tokyo one is no exception. I don't know if the games were broken or just awful games.
Mildly interesting.
Yes. This is what Japan should have lots of.
You cannot say it is Cyberdyne. That is just tempting fate you fools!
There were a few mildly interesting exhibits including one with balls rolling everywhere which I think was teaching self referential programming (but that is a wild guess). There were a bunch of bikes including a couple I liked.
The horse head is to make it less strange to the luddites afraid of the new fangled hoofless horses
I assume the muscle car of its day
Pointing a crossbow at your crotch. A design which fell out of favour quickly.
 But it had an huge room with giant ball bearings which you had to manoeuvre along a track using winches and pulleys and stuff. At a guess they weighed 50 or 60 Kg.
Boys love playing with their balls
It is a guerilla war out there people and the little ones are plotting and scheming! You can in his eyes the contempt for the grown ups. He knows I am about as smart as The Roadrunner and thinks he is smarter then Wile E Coyote.
They made a satisfying thump as they moved through the sections.

Rating: 7/10 (Be Sufficiently Prepared For Many Children Though)

I was in Japanese class when I got the warning. The advice was to talk to a local to find out what was happening. The teacher had no idea and seemed rather blase about the whole thing.
We had our first Jukendo class wearing armour and poking each other.
Unfortunately I am rather large by Japanese standards and my armour wasn't as good a fit as perhaps it could be.
The idea is to stab the tire and not have it move. Stupid tire.
 Where the shoulder guard and the chest guard meet kept opening up to create a hole in my defences. I now have a rather sore rib.
Some restaurants have menu items like the name tags here. First time I saw it in a restaurant I was very confused.
But it was awesomely great fun.
So much fun we left our umbrella behind.

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