Sign Review: Circle K local variant
You see what you want to see. Ewa saw a corporate logo with an erection. I saw a farting car. We're both happy.
And some people will care about the color choices for the male and female logo. They are sad boring people.
Rating: 7.5/10
All the excitement and new muscles that don't work so good discovery meant today was a lazy day and dinner needed to be meaty and fatty.
Food & Beverage Review: Barden Barden
map ref
This was meant to be a review of a steak place but they were closed. Japanese places seem to chose random nights to be closed.
Fatigue Hardly Shows
Some of the chains have different ones closed on different nights. I guess it makes a kind of sense. As the steak place was closed we went all germanic and beer.
Sausage on a bone. So many bad jokes!
Good range of beers. Lots of Belgian ones. All at pretty reasonable prices. Even has Hoegaarden on tap. One thing about Japanese beer in general is that it is fairly similar and you'd have to pay a lot of attention to tell the difference between the different beers on tap.
Another coconut beer. We left a coconut beer unopened in Poland, we are not getting one here.
I used to be a bit of a beer nerd and have retained a bit of a love for interesting beers. Mostly Japan has been a bit quiet on that front. Granted I haven't gone out of my way looking for interesting beers and there are apparently a couple of craft places around. But largely my quaffing in Japan has been fairly basic lagers.
The lack of beard and faint semblance of hygiene means no more beer nerding for me.
The food here is okay. Certainly nothing to complain about but it is really the fun belgian beers which will have me back.
Thick mouthfeel, Hints of Balsemic vinegar. Thick ruby. Dense head diminishing to a... okay I'll stop
Oh and the bread they have for the fondue passed Polish Princess standards. Japanese bread is usually a pretty good imitation of Wonder White. Soft, squishy and slightly sweet. So it was nice to get bread that had some texture and flavour.
Oh and activity food. Activity food is always great.
We got half rye and half normal. Couldn't really tell much difference. Both very good though. Music was mostly MotorHead which was nice too. I told my motorhead joke. What's the difference between Lemmy and God? God doesn't think he is Lemmy.
The forks double as defensive weaponry against cheese thieves
Ewa smiled. I don't think she appreciates fun being poked at her musical heroes. Or she doesn't know motorhead. Sometimes she is enigmatic.
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