Buddha was all "That stuff you own like actually owns you maaaaan!" and then made head exploding noises and gestures. We are down with his teachings (and should probably check what he really said rather than trusting the Simpsons) and we try to own few things.
Somehow all of our activities require more things though. I try to
remove things I own as I add new things so that my total volume of
ownership stays at some kind of equilibrium.. An additional 10kg of stuff. How many T shirts have to be thrown out to balance things? |
I am not sure what Buddha thought about food but most of the Buddha's are tubby fellows and look too happy to be avoiding good meals.
I think Jesus said "Bread is the Staff of Life". He should have had better hiring policies. This baguette wouldn't even answer my phone for me. |
We have decided to have a Sayonara party at Chez Toto when we leave for the people that have helped us out here. I think this is following Confucian tenets:
- Respecting those that are our teachers
- Sharing what we have with others
Too many seats and I have no disciples, will have to forgo that bit of blasphemy. |
I have a feeling someone might have had some thoughts on cows and their
applicability for eating. That was probably a secondary aspect to the
religion, we'll get to that once we have the first bits of all the
religions under control. Most animistic religions had burned offerings to their gods so we'll get steaks.
New Age people are all into salads so we'll grab some of them |
Zoroastrianism states that Ahura Mazda said the brewers were good people and you ought to drink beer to support them so we'll make sure there is beer. Jesus was down with wine so we'll get that covered off too.
If the steak is there and you are here then why the sky? |
Judaism is into the whole guilt thing. I think they are proud of feeling guilty for stuff more than Catholics. I guess allowing people to commit the Catholic sin of gluttony and then feel Judaic guilt is a nice combo. Plus they can go confess later.
Tuesday. This is not a zen koan yet but I have hopes. |
And by wrapping all these religions together I think we have followed the Shinto principle of promoting harmony amongst people and cultures. We are great. We should be priests.
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