Monday, 1 June 2015

2015-05-01: That looks interesting. No energy though.

Friday is starting to become our Collapse Day. We have no training or classes planned usually and tend to have ideas for tourist things to do (or even mundane things) which are often surrendered to the void as a sacrifice which will hopefully give us energy for whatever stupid weekend mission we have imposed upon ourselves. In the interests of actually leaving the apartment we went out for food.
The chemist downstairs could be a subtle statement about food quality

I had decided a while ago that we have to go to Arby's one day because Jon Stewart makes so much fun of it on the Daily Show. Due to my excellent memory I got excited when we arrived in Nagoya as there was a Denny's right up the road and I figured we could finally achieve this long held dream.
Somehow the Princess understood this chain of logic, saw the flaw and stayed with me anyway.

I am an acquired taste.
Most acquired tastes are considered delicacies so that is a Good Thing.

Food & Beverage Review: Denny's

Denny's is an American family restaurant chain. Judging by the American website they appear to specialise in pancakes and bacon. I am not sure that the American Denny's allows smoking or sells beer. The closest I could find to booze on their website was a mention of a bourbon burger. That seems a silly menu item to me. Sounds like ruining two good things.
The menu picture
Surprisingly similar
Fortunately Japan has ignored pretty much every memo from head office. They have a non smoking area walled off safely away from the real people. I think the fatigue in our eyes meant our slurred request for beer was understood at a cellular level rather than a linguistic one.
I am not sure if Dennys in the US has a hamburger patty served with teriyaki sauce and thin sliced meat that is not bacon but might have been on a pig once.
I keep thinking Hamburg is a type of hat.
And who can say no to an All Beef Hat?
I am also suspicious of the photos on the American menu. The food looks really pretty and we have all seen the comparison photos between "The Menu and What You Get". At the Japanese Dennys the food actually looks pretty much the same as the food you get. I'm not sure if that is because the cooks are good or the photographers are bad.

Rating: 6/10 (Now we have to go to Denny's and Arby's in the states; For Science)

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