I have a long standing tradition of supporting local businesses. I never really noticed this until things starting closing when I stopped supporting them. In this latest case our few days being cowboys meant the boxing gym has changed it's opening hours to late in the afternoon.
Gate locked. Breaking in to a boxing gym is probably a bad idea... |
This is troublesome as I like a beer around lunch time, one leads to another and then I am very relaxed. Being relaxed is supposed to be why drunk people don't hurt themselves as much as sober people when they fall over but I am not sure this logic works in a boxing gym.
I think that is the outline of the New Jersey state but it looks like a guy in one of the afghani hats and you can't really tell if he is small or strong.... |
So if I can't go boxing but still need to keep the Diner Breakfast Bloat under control we will go to Pennsylvania. Because Rocky.
It really looms up after all the freeway. |
Rocky was a boxer. He lost. But he ran up some stairs by a museum and museums are good for expanding your experiences and making you a better person. Plus he was in First Blood which was a great movie. I think he kind of lost in that too.
I should start doing this after I lose a match... might make me famous |
We didn't get lost going to Philadelphia. This is because I wasn't navigating. I was busy looking at things.
I get even more juvenile after long car trips. |
When we arrived in Philly we discovered they were celebrating the world. They had all the flags flying.
Boxing builds up your butt a bit but not this much, I did not fondle it much. |
I assume All the Flags is because they heard we were coming and it is hard to pin down our national allegiances so it is easiest to just put
all the flags out.
They are going to be annoyed if we change our flag |
We appreciated the welcome even though it appeared that the Polish flag wasn't present. The other two flags that look like Polish flags were there though so we just pretended that The Polish Princess was being welcomed multiple times.
Left is Indonesia, right is Monaco. Not sure about the proportions actually being correct and the wind isn't helping. So fuck it, Poland, twice! |
We wandered through the museum and there was some cool stuff. I absorbed it and expanded my mind a bit. Then we went out to the steps Rocky made famous by running up then jumping around at the top.
In the movie you can't figure out how long it took Rocky, I figure I can do half a Schwarzenegger calf raise then I probably did a half a Rocky stair run. |
Lots of other people were there taking photos of each other jumping around at the top of the steps.
They forgot that to be a truly world class losing person you have to put the work in.
So we ran up the steps.
Then they all started copying us and failing halfway. heh. The Princess and I are bad people. Plus Ellory had to run twice. |
They were a lot of steps.
We got hungry.
Food & Beverage Review: Jims Steaks
There are a series of arguments on the internet about who invented the Philly cheese steak. There are also arguments about how it is really made.
We couldn't find an actual handicapped person so I did it |
There are also arguments about top spinning if you look around. The Internet is awesome. There are arguments about whether Jim's Steaks is better than Jim's Steaks South Street (it is the same place I think).
Grey to pink, I think the pink bastes the grey. I do not not know how to start a business recreating this with small amounts of meat. If I can figure it out I will rule the world. |
The place is pretty cool. It has been around for ever (by new country standards) and the food is actually much better than variations I have had before.
Fancy pressed tin roof. That would run high per metre. Be good packaging for my World Domination Cheese Steak for a Drunk Guy at 2am. |
Usually Original Food is not much different to the copies you can try anywhere; like going to the place that invented the hamburger doesn't look as good as going to the best burger place which happens to be near you where ever you are. This however was way better than any cheesesteak I have had anywhere else.
I saw a great cooking show once where the chef was saying "My mum always complains I burn onions <turns to camera> these are caramelised Mum, not burned <turns back to stove> ohhhhh actually they are burned" these were not burned. |
There are arguments about the argument between Jims Steaks and some other guy. The Internet is awesome. Wikipedia won't come down on who is the best or the original. But wikipedia is a lying whore.
The queue is pretty quick moving. I doubt this would be the case if only handicapped people were allowed to pay. |
Jims Steaks is pretty straight forward. They make cheese steaks. Cheese steaks are fried sliced thin meat and onions on a roll with some cheese.
Cheesesteaks which I suspect I will like, Yuengling which I know I will like and Utz chips because I like living on the edge and trying new stuff. |
The arguments are largely around which artificial cheese to put on the fried meat. We got a series of different cheeses and I think it is safe to say that the cheese is not the real difference. For me the onions and meat were the thing that made it different, I guess most places can't have the continuous frying that this place has where they are always adding more and it stays way juicy.
Rating: (9/10, mostly due to surprise of it being good, plus no shootings)
After food more exercise is needed but not wanted. Probably the one exercise which is not done the most after too much food is bedroom exercise.
I know sex sells but who eats pizza then gets frisky? Only people that don't have enough pizza that's who! |
But there was a hipster sex shop!
We decided to visit and steadfastly not get all excited, we would just look and appreciate in a mental fashion, not carnal.
Sexual Intelligence. When I feel frisky is probably when I am least smart. I am hoping they sell little vials of "now you can think again" for such occasions. |
They had people giving how to guides for electro shock utensils. I have no personal issues about using electro shock utensils in the bedroom if you want. And certainly if I was into it I wouldn't want an old electrician giving me guidelines on using them.
They don't sell the vials. They do sell some cool stuff though. I love Hats and Activities. That is a hell of a hat. |
But I am not sure that the hipsters gave off the practical experience that I would like in my mentor for electrocuting my soft bits. I bought no electrocution devices.
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