I like Seinfeld (the show) this makes me a unique individual. I ignore the fact it is the most popular sitcom ever or something. I also like Comedians in Cars getting Coffee. I notice that many episodes the quintessential New Yorker drives into New Jersey to get coffee at a diner.
If Donald Trump served the food it would be even better. |
American coffee is, as a rule, pretty shit and I don't think Jersey has significantly better coffee. I figure Jerry is doing the same thing as me. Jersey diners are awesomely cool.
If I had brought my bike along I could lean it on the post and make a cool photo. Pretend I did because photoshop is hard. Oh plus pretend this Diner is in Jersey (it is just off Wall Street) |
If a good proportion of peoples reaction to food is in the presentation then surely if the presentation started in the car park then the food is even more awesome-erer. New Jersey diners have a pretty cool presentation from the outside.
Probably cooler at night. I envisage Vegas style blinky lights in the crown. They would be cool. |
Or of course Jerry and I are just shallow, shallow people. That wouldn't make us unique though. Most people are pretty crappy, he and I just get paid for being awful people.
Not! A! Diner! plus needs a go kart track around the outside. That would be awesome, vroom vroom vroom one burger please, vroom vroom vroom, now more beer! plus burgers! I'm winning!!! We're All Winning!!! |
Ellory is not awful people. Japanese people have a tendency to worship The Froggies and their stuff, usually via food. Martial arts people have a tendency to semi-worship Japanese stuff, mostly via food. We went to a Japanese marketplace, mostly restaurants.
Has a driving range next door. Pretty good qualifications for japanese food. |
I think there are forums (reddit, alt.tasteless) which worship Australian stuff but mostly in a "Can you believe actual people live like that?". I don't think Australian food has ever made the canon of "You Should Try This It Is Great".
Ohhhhh plastic representations of food. Shame they didn't have the food I wanted. Need more plastic food dwarves that remove the plates as they go off the menu. |
And I know that Libertarians that have never travelled worship New Zealand stuff. But I still can't find the show "I moved to New Zealand For Freedom". I would totally illegally download that show. As would any Australian.
My Japanese is still shit and so my instinct to order in bad japanese was met with incredulous incomprehension by the staff.
I think I ordered more food than a single person is meant to eat again, I blame America. |
Then I remembered we are in an English speaking country and ordered, got my food and was halfway through before Ewa returned with her fancy arse dinner.
Like jewels in a box hers was. |
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