Tuesday, 8 September 2015

2015-07-25: Polski Shopski

Jersey city once had a large Polish community. Over the years the community has largely moved on or, at least, spread out.
Spanish Gaydar?
Ellery says they still have a Polish shop with all the fun foods and booze you could want.

Places Review: Piast Meats & Provisions

It is a castle. That, in my opinion, is a big call to make. Castles should be full of treasure so they have a lot to live up to.
The flag is just camoflage
At first I thought it would be weird going to a Polish place at the moment because it is so hot. I have only been in Poland in winter so in my mind it is always winter in Poland. Ewa assures me that Poland has summers, they can be warm and that currently Poland is undergoing a heat wave.
Golonka in this weather on the other hand could be deadly.
If the temperature in Poland is similar to the one here I figure we ought to be fine as there have been no news reports of tragicomic exploding kielbasa deaths in Poland.
Prices are by the pound. That means if you normally think in kilos things look extremely cheap. So you buy more.
I had to dust off my memory banks of Polish as Ewa got excited and started speaking Polish. The same as everyone else in the place. Apparently there are still enough Poles around to field a couple of football teams. Unfortunately my memory banks were not good enough to remember the name of my favourite kielbasa.
I had to just get some of all the ones that looked faintly familiar or had names faintly familiar
I tried searching in this blog to find it but failed. I should really use tags or something I guess. Although it probably had a secret letter in it and I don't know how to do them on my phone anyway.
No memory issues for the booze fortunately.

Rating: 9/10 (they even had our favourite ptasie mleczko chocolate)

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